About Our Curriculum
Please view our curriculum plan, which is available in the attachments section on this page. Our curriculum plan gives details of the course content throughout the academic year, the associated examination board and online resources.
The aim of Relationships and Sex Education in our school is to equip children and young people with the information, skills and values they need to have safe, fulfilling and enjoyable relationships and take responsibility for their physical, sexual and emotional health and wellbeing. We recognise the central importance of relationships in supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing, academic achievement and future success.
The aim of RSE is to give young people the information they need to help them develop healthy, nurturing relationships of all kinds, not just intimate relationships. It should enable them to know what a healthy relationship looks like and what makes a good friend, a good colleague and a successful marriage or other type of committed relationship.
Our programme also aims to support students in their personal development regarding attributes such as respect, integrity, compassion and honesty. These approaches support our wider work of building resilience in our students.
We focus on attitudes and values, skills and as well as knowledge and understanding. This will include developing self-esteem, the skills to manage relationships and most importantly keep themselves safe in all their relationships.
Research has shown that young people who feel good about themselves, and are knowledgeable and confident about relationships and sex, are more likely to be discerning in their relationships and sexual behaviours and to have fulfilling relationships.
As a school we recognise the impact of social media, the media and the digital world on our children and young people. We aim to deliver an RSE programme that recognises and addresses this to ensure that students know how to keep themselves and their personal information safe.
The starting principle when teaching each of these must be that the applicable law should be taught in a factual way so that students are clear on their rights and responsibilities as citizens.