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About Our Curriculum
Please view our curriculum plan, which is available in the attachments section on this page. Our curriculum plan gives details of the course content throughout the academic year, the associated examination board and online resources.
Newmarket Academy Drama Department – Drama Curriculum Intent
The Drama curriculum at Newmarket Academy has been designed with a view that drama has far more impact when explored practically. Every scheme of work, and indeed lesson, has been crafted to incorporate the Creating, Performing and Evaluating elements of the subject. This not only allows students to explore all elements of drama but also prepares them with the skills required for success, and enjoyment, of the GCSE syllabus and assessment.
The drama department promotes the 5 C’s of Drama:
- Confidence
- Control
- Co-operation
- Concentration
- Communication
Students are introduced to this at the start of Year 7 and these skills are developed in every lesson and practical task. Students are regularly asked to reflect on which of the 5 Cs have been used successfully and which could have been strengthened to have improved outcomes.
The schemes of work have been designed to introduce students to varying stories from across the globe, performance skills, practitioners, design elements and each year of study builds on the skills and knowledge of previous years. The combination of topics taught through the schemes also explores a wide range of cultural, social, historical and political elements, for example;
styles of theatre (commedia, Greek theatre, physical, verbatim)
language of Shakespeare
social issues (bullying, prejudice, social media, responsibility)
The lessons develop awareness of life in the outside world – how others see you and you see others – empathy is developed.
Reading and literacy is embedded into lessons and learning in every year group. Students have to interpret written scripts, instructions and stimulus material to create drama. Homework tasks have been designed to strengthen subject specific vocabulary and understanding of how to use it in the correct context.
The emphasis in lessons, in KS3, is performance based although there is a brief introduction to some technical elements, which cross over nicely with subjects like Film –
- Lighting – effects and meaning created – Live Theatre Evaluation
- Sound – to create atmosphere – Live Theatre Evaluation, Social Media, Dark Wood Manor
- Costume and make-up – to develop and communicate character – Zombie School
This is vital in developing an understanding of drama as a whole performance and can be studied further at GSCE level should students opt for the subject.
Drama challenges every student. They are expected to push themselves and constantly asked to take their performances/responses/contributions to the next level. This initially varies on an individual basis due to the nature of the practical subject and the fact students have to initially overcome confidence issues to share work.
Our Drama curriculum is designed in a way so that it not only builds on the experiences of KS2, but also embraces the connections with other subjects, such as Film, History and English. We also recognise the importance of Drama in the wider context and the part it plays in developing confidence, enhancing communication skills, and honing analytical skills, which are essential life skills needed in nearly all vocations.