About Our Curriculum

Statement of Intent
Newmarket Academy encourages all students to be the best they can be and that means always striving for better. We place emphasis on developing strong literacy skills as we know that reading, writing, and oracy skills form the bedrock of academic success. Students leave Newmarket Academy empowered with knowledge that will help them make informed decisions and contribute toward making the world a better place.
Every student will be exposed to core knowledge within each subject which is drawn from and goes beyond the National Curriculum. We have designed our curriculum to be inclusive, diverse, and ambitious – topics are sequenced ensuring that our students go on a journey from year 7 through to and beyond year 11 that will not only enable them to be successful in their final exams, but it will also support them in becoming informed, empowered, and empathetic humans.
Our curriculum
The curriculum at Newmarket Academy has been designed to meet the needs of all our students. Our curriculum follows a mastery model and is spiralised to ensure core knowledge is revisited throughout a student’s journey. Our focus on literacy means that students are empowered to read and understand challenging concepts – our interventions ensure no student is left behind. Our Key Stage three curriculum has been carefully sequenced with the Key Stage two journey in mind. Numerous opportunities to problem solve, verbally contribute, and share, and think critically ready year nine students for the rigor and challenge of GCSE and vocational qualifications..
Students will experience a broad and balanced curriculum which will enhance their knowledge in STEM, humanities, and the arts. At Key Stage four our English Baccalaureate (English, Maths, Science, History or Geography, and a language) and other option subjects provide an excellent range of opportunities for students to exploit and enjoy. We embrace our responsibility, which in additional to keeping students safe, is to prepare students for their next steps beyond school. Each and every subject features all the essential core knowledge needed to be successful as well as wider knowledge designed to enhance cultural capital because we know how important it is that each student in our care receives an excellent education that serves as a platform for limitless opportunities.
Beyond the classroom students have numerous chances to join clubs, committees, go on visits, experience the theatre, and access fantastic work experience opportunities. All of our extra-curricular has been designed to enhance the students experience and enable them to work toward mastering particular skills, whether it be filmmaking, journalism, sport, or any number of the numerous activities that are readily available.
Our Duties
Our curriculum at Newmarket Academy takes in to account the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.
The Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) takes responsibility for the day-to-day operation of the SEND policy and co-ordination of special needs provision, working closely with staff, parents/carers and other agencies. The SENCO also provides professional guidance to colleagues to ensure students with SEND have full access to the curriculum.
The Trust’s CEO and the Academy’s Headteacher have responsibility for the overall management of provision for all students.
The Headteacher works closely with the SENCO. The philosophy of SEND and inclusion being linked enables a holistic understanding of students’ needs and appropriate support strategies to be put in place.
The SEND Governor regularly meets with the SENCO, ensuring that policies and procedures meet statutory requirements.
The duties of the Governing Body are set out in the SEN Code of Practice 2014.
If you’d like to find out more about our curriculum, please contact us. You can read more about how our curriculum complies with our duties relating to the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 by reading the relevant policies available on our Policies & Documents page.
Year 9 Options