Our Values
At Newmarket Academy, we are…
Our Ethos
Be the best you can be.

Successful Learners
…who can enjoy and understand learning, are equipped with the skills to adapt and cope with an ever changing and unpredictable world and adopt a positive attitude towards lifelong learning. They have imagination and creativity and are emotionally intelligent and independent.

Confident Individuals
…who understand how they learn, why they are learning and what they are learning, what they need to do to progress in their learning and how they can support the learning of others.

Responsible Citizens
…who understand their responsibility to themselves and others, how they make positive contributions to the life of the school and community. They also understand their responsibilities in relation to local and global challenges. In these contexts their actions and behaviours are driven by values and their strong sense of morality. Globally aware, citizens of the world understand that context is wider than locality.