Newmarket Academy

Student Leadership

Student Leadership at Newmarket Academy

Newmarket Academy believes that giving students the opportunity to participate in leadership programmes is vital to their development. It raises aspiration and gives students access to new and exciting opportunities.

Student involvement in leadership activities can improve their learning as well as helping them to develop new skills needed for outside the classroom and further education/employment. 

Our leadership programme aims to increase the opportunity for student leadership across the Academy and to enhance the input students have with whole school events and inclusion/diversity awareness. The leadership opportunities at Newmarket Academy aim to be inclusive to ensure that all students have the opportunity to lead.

What we are looking for from our student leaders

  • A positive attitude towards school
  • An exemplary behaviour and attendance record
  • A high level of motivation to improve the Academy
  • Confidence and the ability to communicate effectively
  • Reliability and dedication 

Student Leadership Groups – Newmarket Academy

The Academy has the following leadership groups set up and students can join these at any time if they apply: 

  1. Newmarket Academy – School Council 
  2. Newmarket Academy – Ambassadors
  3. Newmarket Academy – Reading Ambassadors
  4. Newmarket Academy – Inclusion Ambassadors
  5. Newmarket Academy – Sports Leaders
  6. Newmarket Academy – Mental Health Ambassadors
  7. Newmarket Academy – Digital Leaders
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